Frocktober 2015: Dress Memory

This week, I hung up all the donated frocks I have recieved.
I’d had a stressful day at work and was feeling a tad overwhelmed; so I needed a orderly task to calm my brain.

Seeing all the frocks, I am amazed. How lucky have I been to get so many wonderful dresses from so many wonderful women?!

A spiritual moment….?

As I unpacked each frock, I recognised some of them – friends’ dresses from moments in time that I’d shared with themand started getting sentimental.

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Frocktober 2015 & Mental Health week: What Frocktober has taught me

After nearly a week (October 6th) I’d had a grand total of $00.00 donated to my Frocktober fund.

It bothers me less than it did last year. I thought I had failed last year, when I didn’t reach the same target as the previous year (~$2, 600).

It bothers me less because Frocktober has taught me valuable lessons about standards, fundraising, social media and innovation.

Allow me to explain…

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Frocktober 2015: I didn’t always rock a frock

My relationship with dresses has been an interesting one in my 23 years on earth so far….

Dresses weren’t my first choice of clothing when I was growing up. early-2000s-popPlaying dress ups as a young girl resulted in a love of dressing up (wearing lip gloss to the dinner table regularly, according to Mum!). Dresses and skirts felt like ‘Uniform’, a sentiment from my school days – I preferred pants, thanks to the late 1990s  and early 2000s trackpants, low cut and wide leg jeans trends.

I have come to love dresses, in all their diverse, trendy complexity. But it be a challenge to not be able to fall back on my well-worn default of jeans with converse or heels.

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The final countdown to Frocktober begins!

Even before it has started, Frocktober is going to be glorious madness.

The arrival of Frocktober is imminent – on Thursday I will be in full Ambassdor / Event mode.

I am a Frocktober Blogging Ambassador. I am so excited to keep you all updated on my fundraising journey. 2015 has been nothing short of incredible so far, I am anticipating October to be a jewel in that crown.

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